SAN ANTONIO — A new roundabout will open in downtown San Antonio on Monday.

The roundabout is set to open near the Central Library, which will be fed by Main, Navarro and San Pedro, on June 11.

How to Drive in a Roundabout

  1. At the dashed yield line, look to your left and yield to drivers already in the roundabout. Remember, in a multi-lane roundabout, you must yield to both lanes of traffic. 
  2. Once a gap in traffic appears, merge into the roundabout and proceed to your exit. 
  3. Look for pedestrians and use your turn signal before you exit.

Because such intersections fairly new in San Antonio, the city wants to make sure drivers are prepared.

The city says this new intersection will allow a continuous flow of traffic without any signal lights while also decreasing speeds to improve safety.

It also claimed an intersection like this, which is new to San Antonio and may be unfamiliar to most drivers, reduces the chance of crashes and allowing drivers more time to see pedestrians.

The roundabout cost $6 million to build. Construction is expected to continue through July, which will keep North Main and Camden closed until it is completed.