AUSTIN, Texas -- It was a day of celebration for Austin's Native American community as they held their annual Austin Powwow Event on Saturday.

• Event featured native dancing competitions and outdoor activities
• Group holds several events throughout the year

The event was put on by local nonprofit, Great Promise for American Indians.

It's an opportunity for different tribes in the region to gather and celebrate their heritage. The event featured native dancing competitions, outdoor activities and authentic Native American food vendors. The group invites people from different communities to teach them about native culture.

They said full immersion is the best way to learn.

"You know you don't have to be native to experience our traditions and our heritage. We're open to the public and we want people to witness what we have,” said Jenny Longie-Kessler.

This is the big event of the year for Great promise for American Indians, but it's not their only one. They hold native potlucks and informational events throughout the year.

To learn more, visit the AustinPowwow website