AUSTIN, Texas -- One year ago, 17-year-old musical prodigy Draylen Mason premiered his composition, ‘Hellfire’  at the Golden Hornet Youth Composer Concert.

A few weeks after Mason was killed by the Austin serial bombings, Golden Hornet honored his legacy at this year's concert by closing their show with that same piece.



Golden Hornet Co-Founder Graham Reynolds said after hearing about Mason's death, he and the young composers of this year's concert decided playing his music was the best way to honor his legacy.

"We were all talking about him and thinking about him and reflecting on how this concert would be shaped by this happening and what he meant to us," Reynolds said.  

Young composers work with Reynolds and other music teachers to put together compositions for the annual concert. Former Golden Hornet Composer Noah Simon said writing music came naturally for Mason.

"He had written up maybe a quarter of his piece and it was absolutely incredible," Mason said. "Later I asked him about it and he told me 'Oh yeah I wrote that on the way here.'," said Simon.

To learn more about Golden Hornet and the young composers they work with, visit