AUSTIN, Texas -- Some local church members spent the day helping some new neighbors move in from overseas by welcoming a refugee family from Afghanistan.

Hope Presbyterian Church is taking "love thy neighbors" to new levels. They spent their weekend setting up an apartment for an Afghanistan Refugee family they've never met.

"Our role is to serve others that are in need, and to welcome the stranger," said Church Elder Brian Haulotte.

The church collected donations throughout the week to help the family settle into their new home. The congregation provided furniture, dishes, food and anything else a family would need to feel comfortable in a new space.

"They are going to be new to Austin next week and we want to make sure that when they arrive they have a home that's ready to move into. They have the bare necessities to help them get their feet on the ground,” said Haulotte.

The church teamed with Refugee Services of Texas to find a family to support. That partnership is how the church does its part in aiding the refugee crisis happening across the globe.

"Millions of people around the planet are being displaced due to war, poverty different types of conflict," Haulotte said. "We felt obligated that we should do something about it." 

After hours of heavy lifting, furniture building and cleaning, they feel confident that their new neighbors will feel right at home. The church plans to continue to help the family throughout their transition to Austin.