We came close to seeing our first woman President. Although Hillary Clinton didn't win, experts say she did break some glass ceilings along the way.

But her journey also shed light on the areas our country still needs to work on - when it comes to seeing women as equals. Our LeAnn Wallace reports.

AUSTIN, Texas -- Hillary Clinton supporters are still reeling from their big loss.

"I guess I'm still kind of in the disbelief stage," said Josh Bertetta

Clinton's campaign wasn't victorious - but it was historic.

"Seeing a woman nominee for President, that was a viable candidate for President is incredible," said Jacqueline Schicker.

While being a woman alone didn't cost her the election, Jeremi Suri, a professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs believes it was a disadvantage.

"I think being a woman made it much harder for her but there were other factors as well that played, other factors about her, her experience with e-mails, her experience with Benghazi, and the nature of the candidate she confronted in Donald Trump," said Suri.

Some voters found it easier to overlook Trump's baggage. And part of that, Suri says, is because misogyny is still alive in this country.

“There's resentment among men of all kinds that women are often doing better than they are. Just one example, women out perform men at university and high school and often times, males don't like that." 

During Clinton's concession speech Wednesday morning, she had this to say to the women who found hope in her campaign.

"I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling but someday someone will and hopefully sooner than we might think right now."

While many women across the country feel let down, they're not going to let the next four years go to waste.

"We're going to mourn for a few days, we're going to cry, we're going to be outraged for a few days, but I have no doubt that as women we’re going to let this defeat us,” said Rosemond Crown.