GENESEO N.Y. – When Rep. Chris Collins suspended his reelection campaign on Saturday after being indicted on insider trading charges earlier this week, voters in Geneseo shared opinions.

“I’m delighted to see him out of office because my politics and his don’t have anything in common,” said Hank Stone out in Geneseo.

He considers himself a world citizen and has been giving away peace bumper stickers for 35 years.

“It would be good if the world was a better place and his thinking – and that Donald Trump is ‘the guy’ and whatever he says is OK – we are worlds apart.”

On another side, John Pauer, acting chairman of the Livingston County Republicans says the news is shocking.

“This was a total surprise to us Wednesday. There’s a lot of things going on behind the scenes but there’s also a lot of things we are going to have to learn because it throws us into a little bit of turmoil,” said Pauer.

He adds there will be meeting held next week with other county officials to discuss what will be the next course of action moving forward.