The mother of the Bronx teenager stabbed to death at his school last month is filing a lawsuit against the city.

Matthew McCree's mother is suing for $25 million.

Lawyers for the family blame the lack of metal detectors at the Urban Assembly School for Wildlife Conservation for the 15-year-old's death.

They say the school also failed to follow a state statue on bullying protocol and that teachers were negligent in supervising class when Matthew McCree was attacked.

"These families are looking for justice in the criminal side and see to it that the young man who killed her son and wounded his son are held accountable for their actions" said Sanfor Rubenstein, Lawyer for McCree's mother.

"Most schools don’t have metal detectors by the choice of the school community and by the facts that have existed that they have not had a specific problem that triggered an interest in the metal detectors," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. "So I’m not going to speculate. I will say metal detectors are not a perfect tool." 

18-year-old Abel Cedeno has been indicted on manslaughter charges for the stabbing.

He is also charged with wounding another student.

Cedeno's lawyers say he was a victim of bullying.

A spokesman for the city law department said the case is under review.