Jessica Lopez and Stephanie Gibbons are working with the Hispanic Federation and The Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie to collect money and supplies for eight orphanages in Puerto Rico.

Months after Hurricane Maria, the organizers say many are still short on supplies, but the outcry for help has faded. They are asking for basic necessities like water filtration systems, hygiene products, baby wipes and food.

"As a mom, when you hear that these kids are just in need of basic survival items, like clean water and toilet paper, and soap to wash themselves, that tugs at your heart strings to just know that these orphanages are having a hard time being able to provide for the children still," said Jessica Lopez, the fundraiser's coordinator. "It made me really want to get involved and help."

And with an upcoming fundraiser at BC Kitchen and Bar Sunday, organizers are hoping donations will come in. Organizers will still take in donations after the event, and expect to have supplies shipped around the end of spring.

Lopez and co-organizer Stephanie Gibbons are asking for help with money and basic supplies like water filtration systems, baby wipes, and hygiene products. 
Lopez and co-organizer Stephanie Gibbons are asking for help with money and basic supplies like water filtration systems, baby wipes, and hygiene products.