A Central New York refugee shares his life story with local nursing students. 

Tula Regmi, a refugee from Nepal, is a proud graduate of the St. Joseph's College of Nursing.

He spoke to a class of nursing students about his life struggle.

Regmi and his family were in a refugee camp for several years, before finally arriving in Syracuse.

With some hard work and some help from Catholic Charities he earned his GED, college degree, and graduated nursing school just this year.

He says refugees like himself want to come to America, because dreams can come true here.

"If you try to find something, you can get here. As people say here it's the land of opportunity. It's obviously the land of opportunity. If you want to accomplish something. If you want, you can be anything here," says Tula Regmi, R.N.N

Interfaith Works in Syracuse says Central New York is home to about 3,000 Nepalese refugees.