About half of the New York Daily News' editorial staff was laid off Monday by its owner, Tronc.

"It's tough to see and aside from just people losing their jobs and families, losing their income, we see a huge gap in coverage of public affairs and things that really matter to people so there's going to be a huge gap about what people find out about what's going on in their world," said Newhouse Professor Roy Gutterman.

But, the Daily News isn't the only news organization that's restructured recently.

Back in March, dozens were laid off at Gannett's Press & Sun Bulletin in Johnson City.

Printing operations were moved to another Gannett facility in Rochester.

And in Syracuse, the Post-Standard and Syracuse.com cut jobs and reduced printing operations with the creation of Syracuse Media Group.

"We've obviously seen the shift to digital and app-based delivery, which is fine. I read several newspapers several times a day online or on my phone so we recognize that. And many reporters have been able to diversify our skillset to provide more types of information across platforms which is great," he said.

But he says the evolving newsroom comes with a cost.

"Computerization doesn't produce the same kinds of on the ground, shoe-leather journalism that people need. You can't send a robot to cover a city council meeting," he said. 

Though he says the digital end of the business does have some perks.

"I still like newspapers. I miss reading the hard copy as much as I used to but the beauty of digitization is I can go online several times a day and get updates," he said.

Gannett still uses the Johnson City location for distribution.