It seems like you can't escape the heat this week, and that can mean a high energy load with people trying to stay cool.

With that in mind, National Grid is urging customers to reduce their energy use.

National Grid says safety comes first, but they are asking people be mindful of their usage with these tips:

  • If you're not home, unplug electronics you're not using (including phone chargers) 
  • Turn off the lights and draw your blinds, as the sunshine can heat your house 
  • Keep your air conditioner temperature to the highest setting you are comfortable in
  • Use fans

"Just increasing or raising the temperature of your thermostat a couple of degrees will not only keep you comfortable but will save you energy and it will certainly help the National Grid system," says National Grid Spokeswoman Virginia Limmiatis.

National Grid also urges people to make sure to check on elderly relatives and pets in this heat.