It was a completely predictable primary night, while simultaneously one for the books.

Pre-election polls accurately predicted a sweeping Cuomo ticket victory, and in this morning's press conference, Governor Cuomo--almost disdainfully--insinuated it was crazy to doubt his victory in the first place.

On the other hand, six of the former eight IDC members were unseated by a sweep of progressive candidates bridled by the insurgent groups' failure--in their eyes--to uphold Democratic values.

Also, voter turnout more than doubled the figures from 2014--Cynthia Nixon lost to Cuomo, but she secured over 500,000 votes, a larger number than Cuomo himself recieved four years ago.

Joining me now to unpack these results and much more are the intrepid members of the reporter roundtable:

They are: Yancey Roy of Newsday, Josefa Velasquez of Sludge, and Capital Tonight's own Nick Reisman.