Mike Pence was supposed to be the star attraction at the RNC Wednesday night, but it was a speech by Ted Cruz that drew the most emotional reaction from delegates, as Cruz would not endorse his formal rival, getting boos from the crowd. Zack Fink filed the following report.

It was supposed to be Mike Pence's night in the spotlight, but the biggest moment of suspense at the Republican National Convention came as delegates wondered if Ted Cruz atcually would endorse his former opponent.

The Texas senator gave a rousing speech, but in a sign the bitter wounds have not healed, he stopped far short of endorsing Trump, only congratulating him for being the nominee.

Cruz later added, "Like each of you, I want to see the principles that our party believes prevail in November."

While initially having the crowd in his pocket, Cruz's failure to praise Trump by name elicited a harsh response from the audience, spurred on by members of the New York delegation, Trump's home state, leading chants of "We Want Trump!"

In response, Cruz said, "I appreciate the enthusiasm of the New York delegation."

As Cruz wrapped up his speech, he was bombarded by boos.

It was left to Newt Gingrich to try and quiet the crowd, and later, the featured speaker, the vice presidential candidate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, to bring it back together.

Unlike Cruz, Pence focused his words on Trump.

"He's a man known for a large personality and a colorful style and lots of charisma. I guess he was just looking for some balance on the ticket," Pence said.

After Pence's speech, Trump joined his running mate on stage, along with their families, in a show of solidarity. But it didn't do much to heal the deep rift opened up by Cruz, with some of the most bitter comments coming from members of the New York delegation.

"Ted Cruz proved tonight he is a liar, he is a fraud, he should never ever be considered for president of the United States," said Rep. Peter King, whose district covers parts of Long Island. "This man is the worst. What he did tonight was absolutely disgraceful. He took a pledge to support the nominee of the party and he didn't. He refused to. He is totally self-centered."

On Twitter, Trump later piled on.

After a week of divisions and infighting among Republicans, it will be up to Trump Thursday night to unite the party once and for all.