It's a dystopian world where everything is colored in shades of gray.

The play "The Giver," adapted from Lois Lowry's young adult novel of the same name, envisions a strange future where society has converted to "Sameness" and memories of the past world -- and choice -- are contraband. 

"It’s meant to be a cautionary tale; oh, we have problems in the world. Let’s imagine a future where we fixed them by taking some drastic measures, but we caused entirely other problems," said director David Bunce.

The Theatre Institute at Sage is staging the play, chronicling 12-year-old Jonas' journey to become the Receiver of Memory — the person who bears the burden of the memories from all of history. 

"The boy, as he begins to realize that the world is not what he thought it was, begins to rebel against the idea of this kind of life continuing," said Joe Quandt, who plays the Giver.

As “The Giver,” Quandt is responsible for transferring all of the memories to Jonas. He’s the only one allowed access to books beyond schoolbooks, and the rulebook issued to every household.

"The thing that attracted me to the character most is he knows everything and no one else knows anything," said Quandt.

The cast says there are lessons to be learned by both adults and young kids alike. 

The Giver is playing at Russell Sage in Troy now through February 17.