On a day where it was tough to see past the gray, Jody Mason and her crew, 'Chicks with Sticks,' added pink, blue, red and green.

Colorful hats and scarves popped up across Albany on benches, statues, and trees. A rain date wasn't an option.

"People in need don't have the privilege to stay home and stay warm," said Mason.

The ladies of the Glenmont group began knitting the items in June. They distributed 400 hand-made winter accessories across the city. Each one has a message that reads "I am not lost. If you are cold, please take me to keep warm and remind you that someone cares about you."

That's why Mason and her group started doing what they call 'yarn bombing.' It's their second year, and it takes them months to knit enough to cover the city.

"When you see things like this, it's just 'wow, everybody's not bad,' " said Dawn Mann, a single mother of four. "It's really, really sweet."

She found some hats and scarves for her kids and says money is tight, so this helps.

Jody will never know the people who wear the things her group spent hundreds of hours making.

"You're welcome; God bless," she calls out to people at a bus stop.

But as quickly as the colors came on Tuesday, they got taken away.

"It just warms my heart," she said.

And that makes all this worth the gray any day.