Juul is a vaporizer that resembles a USB flash drive, making it easier for students to smoke during school.

The Broome County Health Department says the company markets this electronic cigarette as a safe alternative to smoking.

It comes in different flavors like cool mint, fruit medley and creme brulee. 

But officials say in reality, it's extremely dangerous as the nicotine in one Juul cartridge is equivalent to one pack of cigarettes.

They also say the chemicals in the vape juices aren't FDA regulated for inhaling, so they don't know the long-term effects it will have on the lungs.

"It's really important to be conscious of what you're putting in your body," said Maria Fabrizi, the Broome County drug free communities coordinator. "It's also really important to know why people want you to buy your product, in the end it comes down to money."

According to the state's Youth Tobacco Survey, the percent of middle and high school students who have tried e-cigarettes doubled from 2014 to 2016.