BROOME COUNTY, N.Y. -- A petition to build a bridge linking Endwell to the town of Vestal is gaining a bit of traction on social media.

The proposed bridge would start at Hooper Road in Endwell, cross directly over the Susquehanna River, and end between old Vestal Road and Sycamore Street in Vestal. The actual distance is shorter than a half-mile, but currently, travelers have to drive between 6 and 7 miles to reach their destination.

A plan for the bridge was actually brought up in the 1970s, but it never came to fruition.

The local real estate broker who started the petition, Robert Potochniak, says this plan would better connect communities and increase business.

"If we want to grow our community, have businesses move into our community, we have to look at projects like this and put them in place, make them happen, because otherwise, we're not going to get the growth we really deserve here," Potochniak said.

The petition reached 1,300 signatures in fewer than 48 hours.